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Privacy Policy


The purpose of this data use policy is to describe in a clear and transparent manner how the SOFORT FINANZ Company, as data controller, processes personal data.

It applies to all the processing of personal data carried out by the SOFORT FINANZ Company from its websites, mobile applications, during events or trade fairs and for any operation of actions of direct marketing or marketing studies.

Constitutes personal data, any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (hereinafter referred to as data subject); an identifiable natural person is deemed to be a natural person who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier, such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier, or to one or more specific elements specific to his physical, physiological, genetic, psychological identity, economic, cultural or social.

The SOFORT FINANZ Company is committed to ensuring that this policy, as well as the way in which user data is processed in practice, complies with the amended Data Protection Act, as well as with the General Regulations on Data Protection (or GDPR). The SOFORT FINANZ Company acts as data controller within the meaning of the regulations.


Each data collection form present on the sites of the Company SOFORT FINANZ limits the collection of data to what is strictly necessary for the services offered. This data is collected within the framework indicated below (article 3).

Additional data may however be collected by the SOFORT FINANZ Company if the user chooses to fill in the free fields available to him on the site.

Certain data must be communicated, so that the user can access the services offered by the Company SOFORT FINANZ on its websites.


We only use your personal data in the cases provided for by the regulations in force:

  • The performance of a contract we have entered into with you,
  • Compliance with a legal obligation,
  • Your consent to the use of your data,
  • The existence of a legitimate interest in using your data. The legitimate interest is a set of commercial or business reasons which justifies the use of your data by the publishing company of the SOFORT FINANZ Company.

These purposes are based on the legitimate interest of the Company SOFORT FINANZ to have data concerning its users and its contacts.


The data is intended for the services of the company, in order to respond to your request (marketing, customers, etc.) or kept within the framework of the contractual relationship.


The data is kept and used for a duration in accordance with the legislation in force.


The SOFORT FINANZ Company may use the personal data in its possession in order to:

  • * send commercial information relating to its products, its promotions, its offers, as well as other information relating to its products or services adapted to the centers of interest of the persons concerned;
  • * transmit information on the products and offers of third parties - customers or commercial partners of the Company SOFORT FINANZ - in relation to the function and/or with regard to an interest identified in relation to the activity of the person concerned or that of the organization to which he belongs;
  • * market this information in the form of qualified databases to third parties - customers or commercial partners of the SOFORT FINANZ Company - in relation to the function and/or with regard to an interest identified in relation to the activity of the person concerned or that of the organization to which he belongs;

These personal data will be used by the SOFORT FINANZ Company as part of its activities relating to the promotion of its own products and services such as prospecting on behalf of third parties. They are only used in the strict limits defined by the legislation in force.


All the data collected and processed by the SOFORT FINANZ Company is hosted within the European Union. However, in the event that one of its subcontractors is located outside the European Union , SOFORT FINANZ undertakes to take all necessary measures to ensure the security of the data of its customers and users.

Similarly, the SOFORT FINANZ Company undertakes to verify that these service providers maintain their data security and confidentiality requirements throughout the contractual relationship. Otherwise, the SOFORT FINANZ Company shall obliges to put an end to the latter.


Under the amended Data Protection Act, as well as the GDPR, the user has the following rights over his data:

  • * The right to request access to processed data.
  • * The right to request rectification or erasure of processed data.
  • * The right to a limitation of the processing relating to his data.
  • * The right to object to the processing of your data.
  • * The right to data portability.
  • * The right to lodge a complaint with the CNIL.

The user contacts the Data Protection officer for any questions relating to the processing of his data and the exercise of his rights over it (on this subject, refer to article 6 of this document) at the following address Marie-Curie-Str. 24-28 60439 Frankfurt, Deutschland
Marie-Curie-Str. 24-28 60439 Frankfurt

The latter undertakes to provide an answer within 15 days.


What is a cookie?

A cookie is a text file deposited during the consultation of a site, an application or an online advertisement and stored in a specific space of the hard disk of your computer or your mobile device. cookies are managed by your Internet browser and only the issuer of a cookie can decide whether to read or modify the information contained therein.

A cookie has a limited validity period. Its deposit and its storage on your terminal are done in compliance with the applicable legislation and subject to the choices you have expressed and which you can modify at any time.

A cookie does not identify you personally. It allows its issuer to recognize your terminal and to collect a certain amount of information relating to the navigation carried out from this terminal.


We regularly adapt and update this information on data protection. In the event of significant modifications which could concern the rights of users of the Company SOFORT FINANZ, we will communicate these modifications beforehand. This information is provided in the form written.

If you have any other questions about this data protection declaration, or if you wish to exercise your right of access to the data concerning you and have them rectified or deleted, you can contact us at the following address : Marie-Curie-Str. 24-28 60439 Frankfurt, Deutschland
Marie-Curie-Str. 24-28 60439 Frankfurt
